May this year be the best year of your life! So, have you done your New Year’s resolutions yet? And have you added your fitness goals to them?
Hopefully, you have. But, if not, we are here to help you. In this article, you’ll find five simple objectives to become fitter and healthier this year.
Ready? Let’s go!
Here is the outline of the article:
How to Start Your Fitness Journey - 5 Goals For This Year
The secret behind succeeding in your New Year’s resolutions is to be grounded and realistic.
Contrary to the “think big” motto that is everywhere on the internet pushing you to exceed your limits and get out of your comfort zone - which can ignite your enthusiasm immensely by the way - our advice is to start slow and stay consistent.
Losing five kilos in a month may be a good goal, but let’s be serious: You won’t probably achieve it because it takes a huge effort and not getting there will only discourage you.
Instead, aim at more realistic goals, be persistent and build on that momentum. How to become healthier this year? Incorporate the following more achievable goals into your fitness routine.
1. Walk 8K to 10K Steps a Day
It may sound too much, but you can do it. Try waking up half an hour earlier to make time. Then put on your sneakers and earphones to listen to your favourite music or a motivational podcast and get your body moving.
To count your effort and keep a record of your progress, use a fitness app, or start the step-tracking feature that is probably built-in in your smartwatch. It’s important to keep a brisk pace - remember it’s an exercise, not a leisure walk - and stay focused on your walking rhythm - meaning no time for window shopping!
If you can’t find the time to do all these steps in one try, like walking for an hour first thing in the morning, or after work, break it down into two or even three sessions.
You’ll surely notice that you’ll feel more energized and more cheerful overall.
2. Join a Yoga Class
Another effective and not too demanding fitness goal is to join a yoga class. Yoga has become a very popular activity, especially among women, because of its many benefits.
It doesn’t only help your body get more flexible and your muscles more toned, but has a calming effect on your mind. It also focuses on steady progress contrary to other activities that seek quick results and thus expect you to push yourself to your limits.
If you combine your yoga sessions with meditation you’ll get to have the best of two worlds. And you don’t have to leave home to attend a yoga class. Just download an app or switch on YouTube to find countless yoga programs tailored to your level.
Fitness at home has never been easier in our web-enmeshed world. So, take your yoga towel , and start that “salutation to sun”, or the “downward” dog pose.
3. Do Some Morning Stretching
How to start your fitness journey? With some morning stretching. This is another easy way to help you get fitter and healthier.
Morning stretching helps your body wake up, sets your metabolism in action and gets your lymphatic system to work. What’s more, it doesn’t cost you a thing and can be done from the comfort of your home.
Just do some stretching exercises for around ten minutes using a quality yoga towel with an anti-slip side to protect you from any potential injury. Finish off your morning routine with your glow-up skincare and a healthy protein-based breakfast.
Why pay expensive subscriptions to gyms when you can achieve fitness at home with easy methods?
4. Jump On a Trampoline
Want some fun too? Then try jumping on a trampoline! You’ll be amazed by the way you’ll feel after doing a five-minute bounce.
Get yourself a small rebounder, wear something comfortable and start bouncing. Do it first thing in the morning for better results for your body and mood. Jumping on a trampoline is an aerobic exercise that trains your heart to pump faster and send more oxygen to your muscles and tissues.
Bring with you a towel for those drops of sweat and pretty soon will be amazed by the results.
Just take some precautions concerning your movements on the rebounder to avoid any potential harm. And stay away from the ceiling! Meaning that you don’t have to overjump if you are indoors.
5. Use a Jump Rope
If you can’t afford a rebounder, then opt for the more budget-friendly jump rope. The effect is pretty much the same, only this time you’ll have to wear a quality pair of sneakers to avoid burdening your knees.
Start with a 1-2 minute warm-up, and then go for the jump. But don’t overdo it. Begin with 5 cycles of one-minute sets and then gradually increase each set to two minutes.
Don’t forget to put on your favourite music. It will make your workout more fun and the time will pass without even knowing it. Oh, and use an absorbent towel to keep you dry and remove that sweat from the rope’s grips.
It’s also crucial to reward yourself when you stick to your fitness habit every week, preferably with a calorie-free treat. It can be a massage, a manicure or a face-therapy. These rewards will get you going.
1. How to Become Healthier This Year?
Joining a gym class isn’t necessary. You can follow some fitness at-home tips like doing yoga with an app’s guidance, incorporating morning stretching into your morning routine or bouncing some minutes on a rebounder.
These are all ways to improve your fitness levels this year.
2. How Can I Stick to My New Year’s Fitness Resolutions?
Be realistic and opt for a holistic plan. This means walking for at least 8K steps a day and eliminating junk food and sugary snacks from your diet. Opt for drinking eight glasses of water daily and have a positive mindset.
Fitness is a way of life, not an on-off goal for this year. Think of it as a journey and not an end objective.
3. How Do I Start My Fitness Journey This Year?
First, be honest with yourself. Do you want to get fitter and healthier? And why? Just to look good to others? This won’t work in the long run. However, if you are doing it for you, then it would be easier.
Set short-term achievable goals like doing yoga for fifteen minutes a day or using a jump rope to energize yourself and experience the benefits of aerobic exercise.
Stop Wondering How to Start Your Fitness Journey
The time is now. You have all these simple New Year’s resolutions to jumpstart your fitness journey and gradually achieve your goals.