DIY Easter Decor: Egg Shell Tealight Candles - rockflowerpaper

DIY Easter Decor: Egg Shell Tealight Candles

Easter is the new Christmas!


This is what we've been hearing from boutiques who carry our line. Everyone is racing to put together the cutest Easter baskets and host the most beautiful Easter brunches. 


If you're looking for something a little different for your Easter or spring decor, try making your own DIY egg shell tealights. This is an easy project for candle-making beginners, and if you're about to crack some eggs for omelettes anyway, you can put those egg shells to work and create a nature-inspired vignette for your mantle or table. For extra color and floral fun, we styled ours with our Hydrangea cocktail napkins.


Materials You'll Need

  • uncooked eggs, with the carton
  • a pin
  • a spoon
  • soy wax candle flakes
  • 3 inch votive candle wicks - ours were pre-waxed and had a metal base
  • a couple Dixie cups or small microwave-safe bowl
  • popsicle sticks or skewers for stirring hot wax and also propping up your wicks
  • assorted twigs, leaves, and small flowers - real or faux
  • optional: hot glue gun

1. To prepare the egg shells, empty the egg white and yolk by poking a hole in the top and bottom of the egg. Use the pin to make the hole a bit bigger so that it's not too difficult to blow the contents out. 

2. Over a bowl, blow through one hole so the contents will escape through the other. 

3. When the egg is empty, use a spoon to gently tap the top of the egg. Peel it about 1/3 of the way down. Be careful not to peel too much. You want enough shell left to hold your wax.

4. Clean the inside of the shell thoroughly and allow to dry. Repeat the above steps with all the eggs you plan to use. We used 3. 

5. Place the egg shells back into your egg carton. If your carton is for 12 eggs, you can always cut it in half.

6. With either hot glue or a small amount of melted wax, attach the metal base of the wick to the bottom of the shell.

7. Fill a Dixie cup about 3/4 full with soy wax flakes. Zap them on high in the microwave for 1 minute. Check and stir with a toothpick. Zap for one more minute. Check again. Wax should be melted, but if not, microwave it more in 15 second increments. Please be careful at this point. Your container will be hot!

8. Pour into egg shell.

9. Use popsicle sticks or skewers to keep your wicks propped up. Allow candles to cool according to your wax packaging. Ours needed 4-5 hours.

10. Decorate and enjoy! We snipped off pieces of faux flowers and greenery and also used small twigs. If you'd also like to use our cocktail napkins as table decor, you can check them all out at the following link: cocktail napkins.


Happy Easter!